What's New
Release date: 19/02/2020
Action host emails still send when allow emails is not ticked |
Excel Output, Incorrect Column Heading Invoices Pending a Match |
ObjectExplorer Activity Migration for INS_MATCHING |
Remove support of Accessibility Page and Shortcuts |
Include Status 9 in reprocessing. |
Secure Punchout Configuration |
Net, VAT and Gross Amount Validation on Line |
eInvoicing - Supplier Mapping |
Uploading of Line Level Information |
Payment date not automatically calculating |
Add functionality to disable supplier mappings |
Opera lock on import process |
DEFAULT_M8 dropping VAT for NetSuite |
Cannot get budget if account ends in letter |
Capture Service - Portal v2 schema change - flatten To/From metadata fields. |
Manage Capture Site in Capture Service |
Cancelling layout change doesn't revert back to original layout |
Catalogue Import - Custom Codes 50 to 99 require support |
On Approval of a Direct Invoice - Business rules issue |
Default Delivery address isn't respected when changing layouts |
Default currency set when matching EUR invoice |
Screen glitching after upgrade |
Users able to open deleted unprocessed invoices |
Change Allow invoice match for multiple orders setting |
Unique Custom Codes CAPEX |
Unit 4 Dream - Duplicate Analysis Codes |
NetSuite Budget Performance Issues |
Mobile App - Unable to Open Transactions |
w3wp.exe & webengine4.dll causes CPU pegging. |
cXML Receiver Mock Service |
Client Specific Datafeed DLX Import Treating Gross Value as NET |
Automate Site Creation - Capture Service as Azure Function |
Unprocessed tray reference check rewrite |
Invoice Link only generated when matched by Datafeed |