1. Set your Compleat e-invoicing email address as your Amazon Business invoicing email address
Amazon Business customers using Pay by Invoice can punchout from Compleat to shop with Amazon Business, and then process your Amazon Business invoices in Compleat.
This guide shows you how to set up Compleat to punchout to your Amazon Business account.
Don't have Pay by Invoice? Go here to see how set it up in your Amazon Business account.
Don't have Amazon Business? Set up a free account at Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com.
1. Set your Compleat e-invoicing email as your Amazon Business invoicing email
Setting your Compleat e-invoicing email address as your Amazon Business invoicing email address ensures that invoices from Amazon Business are automatically sent to Compleat for processing.
To set your Compleat e-invoicing email address as your Amazon Business invoicing email address, follow these steps.
- When logged into Amazon Business, go to Account Details, and click Business Settings.
- Under Billing and Shipping, click Pay by Invoice.
- Under Invoice Templates, click Manage.
- Go to Actions, and click Edit preferences.
- Under Invoice recipient, click Edit.
- In the Email for PDF invoices field, enter your Compleat e-invoicing email address.
- Click Save.
2. Create a Punchout Group in Amazon Business
Creating a Punchout Group in Amazon Business generates a list of credentials to integrate Amazon Business with your Compleat company.
This lets multiple users buy online from one Amazon Business account using their respective Compleat accounts. Amazon Groups can contain one or more users.
To create a Punchout Group in Amazon Business, follow these steps.
If you're the only person in your Amazon Business account who will be using Punchout for Compleat, you still need to create a Punchout Group and add yourself to it. Click here for more information about Amazon Groups.
- Go to Account Details, and click Business Settings.
- In the light blue rubbon, click the menu icon.
- Click Groups.
- Click Add Group.
- Enter a group name.
- Click the Shared Payment Methods check box.
- Click Add Group.
- Click the name of the group you just created.
- Click Add an admin.
- Enter the Amazon Business login email address of at least one user who will be a Group Admin.
If you'll be the only person in the Punchout group, this is you.
Click Add.
(Optional) To add more users to the group, click Add people in the group's page.
3. Share your Amazon Business Punchout credentials with Compleat
Once you’ve created a Punchout Group, Amazon Business generates a unique set of unique credentials. All you need to do with these credentials pass them on to our Client Services team, and they'll complete the configuration for you.
To access your Punchout credentials and share them with Compleat, follow these steps.
- In your Punchout Group, scroll down to System integrations, and click Configure purchasing system.
- If your Amazon Business account is with Amazon.co.uk, click Compleat from the drop-down.
If your Amazon Business account is with Amazon.com, click Other Purchasing System from the drop-down.
- A System Login and Password are automatically generated.
Click Save.
A list of credentials appears. They are: “From Identity” in cXML, “Shared Secret” in cXML, Punchout URL, and Purchase order request URL.
Make note of these credentials.
- On the right of the screen, click Switch to Active mode.
This means that purchase orders placed will be shipped and charged to your Amazon Business Account.
- Under Select Payment Method, click the Pay by Invoice check box, and then click Save.
- Contact our Client Services team at clientservices@compleatsoftware.com with your punchout credentials to hand, and they'll complete the configuration for you.