An approval nominee can temporarily approve transactions on behalf of another user while that user is out of office. If a user has access to the Personal Settings area of their menu, they can set their own approval nomineee. Or, you can set an Approval Nominee on a user's behalf in the User Accounts area of Compleat.
To set an approval nominee for a user, follow these steps.
- In Admin Home, go to Security, and click User Accounts.
- Open the user who needs an approval nominee.
- In the General Details tab, select a user to be the approval nominee from the Approval Nominee drop-down.
- Set a start and end date.
This determines the period of time that the selected user will act as an approval nominee.
- Click Save User.
- That's it!
You've successfully set an approval nominee for another user.
What happens next?
The approval nominee you selected can now approval and deny transactions on behalf of this user during the time period you selected.
If the current user is part of an approval group, the approval nominee will inherit all of their approval and security rights during the time period you selected.
If they log in during the time period you select, the user who you've set an approval nominee for will be able to see that they have an approval nominee active. An (i) icon will appear on the Approval tile on their iCompleat homepage. They can click this to see the details of their approval nominee.