In order for your company to process credit card statements in Compleat, the following should apply:
- You have set up the Expenses module in Compleat.
- A member of our implementation team has set up credit card functionality for your company.
Processing your credit card statements in Compleat is a huge time saver. Compleat can cleverly split your statements into separate expense claims for each credit card holder, and can also check the system for duplicates to make sure you never process a statement twice.
Once a credit card statement has been processed in Compleat, each credit card holder will see the individual claim relevant to them in their Expenses module. They can open this to code and process it like any normal expense claim, and then submit it to an approval chain to be posted in your finance system.
This checklist helps you make sure that Compleat is set up correctly so that your team can process credit card statements for your company.
Keep reading to check you've covered all three items on the list. When you're done, you'll be ready to begin processing credit card statements in Compleat!
Create the expense item 'OTHER' ✓
You should set up a default expense code set up that Compleat will allocate to all credit card lines during import. This will be for credit card imports only, and no other expense claims should be submitted against it.
Give the expense item the short code OTHER.
Then, give it a description that instructs the user to recode the claim line to another code before they submit the claim, such as Default expense item from credit card statement - PLEASE RECODE.
Import in the correct format ✓
All credit card statement should be upload to compleat as CSV files (Comma Separated Values).
A CSV file is a plain text file that contains a list of data separated by commas. You can save an Excel spreadsheet as a CSV file. The name of the file will end in .csv.
The columns in your file should be in the following order, with no column headings:
All fields are mandatory. If only one description is provided in the credit card file, it should be duplicated in both the description fields. When the credit card statement is imported into Compleat, those fields are linked together and separated by a hyphen.
A correctly formatted credit card statement file should look like this:
The format above is a new standard format that applies to Compleat implementations from June 2020 onwards. If you've successfully been importing credit card statements using a different format prior to this, please continue to use that format.
Configure user accounts ✓
You need to take a couple of steps to make sure the right users are ready to either process expense claims from credit card statements, or import credit card statements.
1. Format credit card details
The credit card number in a user's account must match the credit card number in on statements, including no spaces or special characters.
This is because when you import a credit card statement to Compleat, it splits that statement into a separate expense claim for each credit card holder. It does this by matching the credit card number on the statement with the credit card number saved against the user in Compleat.
To edit the credit card number held against a user, open a user in Security > User Accounts, and go to the Expenses Details tab.
2. Allow permission to import credit card statements
You also need to give the relevant users permission to import credit card statements to Compleat.
To do this, go to the Module Access tab within a user's account, and tick the Allow Credit Card Import checkbox.
The user will now see an Import CC button when they create a new expense claim.
Next steps
If you're reading this because you've completed all the steps in this guide, you've got this!
Your Compleat company is ready for the credit card statements to roll in. Now, you just need to let the right people know about it so that they can start importing credit card statements and processing expense claims.
Share these guides with your team so that they can get started: